
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Our 4

Good Morning!! I have a nice quiet morning because 3 of my 4 are with their dad down on the faimly farm cooking scrapple. It is freezing rain so they are going to be soaked when they get home. But I tought I would get a post done while it was quite. I posted a new challenge over at Sweet Peach and hope you will go give it a try. My challenge was to make a quilt look on your layout. Here is my layout using the Feb. Sweet Kit. It is so pretty!


  1. Just love your layout!! The added touch of the stitching is perfect!!

  2. What a gorgeous page. I love your quilt. It looks very soft and vintage-y. Just beautiful!

  3. love the design of your layout! So beautiful!

  4. The layout is gorgeous, Angie! I love the soft colors and the stitching. (and your children are adorable)

  5. Angie, this is a fantastic layout and that kit is seriously AMAZING and you do it justice.

  6. stunning page - all the details are amazing!

  7. Beautiful page Angie! Glad you got some down time:) Have a great weekend.
