
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Super Excited!!! Sweet Peach DTC & Bday

Hello, I have been dying to do this post and I can official post about it! I'm staying on over at Sweet Peach Crop Shop as the Design Team Coordinator!!!!!!! I was so excited when Corrie asked me to stay and help. I was so honored and beyond excited! I can not wait to work with the new DT!

And also I normal don't care to bring this up but since it is a big one I will. This announcement could have come on a better day. Today is my birthday and I'm the big 30!!


  1. Congratulations, Angie!! You are more than deserving of that honor. =) And a very happy birthday to you ~ I hope you had a wonderful birthday (and Father's Day) with your family!

  2. Happy birthday! And a huge congrats to you!
