
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Pretty Little Studio Sketch

Hello! It's almost Friday and I can't wait! We are leaving for vacation for a week! So I wanted to get some challenge posted that I have been working. I did the sketch challenge over at Pretty Little Studio. I won a couple of weeks ago and used my GC to buy some of the new Antique collection. Let me tell you it is such a pretty line! I bought the paper pack, buttons, and tags.

Here is my layout and below is a little step by step.

Here is a close up:

First I made a grid on the back of my paper:

Then I used the all over border punch:

Then I cut out the little squares that came on the "demo" sheet:

Thanks for looking!


  1. Thank you for participating in our Sketch Challenge. I love your tutorial and great layout.

  2. How clever!!! And you didn't even have to cut into 12x12 sheets!!! Very nice page!

  3. I always love all of the little details that you put into your layouts. And your grid design layout is brilliant. Thank you for sharing the "how to's".
