
Monday, August 29, 2011

First Day of School

Today is the first day of school! The kids were so excited! Ty went to Kindergarten and Faith went to 1st grade. I had a little time to scrap and couldn't resist scrapping their pictures.

I used Bella Blvd's "Midterm" line and some Elle's Studio tags. They go good together don't you think!?

This is one of the Elle's Studio tags.

And the another Elle's tag behind the Belle Blvd. alphas.

Here is also another layout I worked on. I used the Elle's Studio Sketch. I won last week (doing a happy dance)! I love her stuff! And I again I used some Bella Blvd paper. I used four different lines. Don't you just love how well they all mix together!?

See the little button, that is an Elle's tag scrunched around it. I love this Bella Blvd sticker. It fits Hannah perfectly.

And another Elle's tag with Bella Blvd.

Thank you for stopping by! I'm praying my kids are having a great first day!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful layouts, Angie!!!
    I love your use of Bella Blvd, and your photos are simply adorable! :)
