
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Burlap & Buttercups Design Team Call

Hey ladies this is straight from the Burlap and Buttercups blog. Seriously, this is a wonderful team to be on! Rachel(owner) is fabulous to work with. And the kits are so much fun! So what are you waiting for go apply!!

Design Team Call!
That's right: We have an opening our Design Team! It's so much fun for me to receive submissions, as it gives me a chance to see amazing work and get acquainted with fellow scrappers ... so I'm really looking forward to hearing from many prospective B&B DT members!

Here are the details:

Burlap & Buttercups is looking for a talented designer who can create a minimum of four layouts each month using the Burlap & Buttercups kit supplies. This position will begin with the November 2011 kit. Applicants must meet the following criteria:

~have an active blog and be willing to post a link to the B&B site on your blog
~be willing to post one scheduled challenge per month on your personal blog as well as B&B's blog introducing the challenge, and be willing to share comments about participants' entries
~"like" the B&B Facebook page and follow our blog, serving as an active participant in our "Comments" area
~complete at least one post on your personal blog each month which showcases the designs you completed using B&B's kit supplies
~post B&B's kit reveals on your personal blog

Here's what we can offer our new DT member:

~a free main kit and add-on kit each month
~at least two weeks to complete your projects
~a featured spot on the B&B blog, where we'll highlight your sketches and layouts
~your bio and photo on our blog, along with a link to your own blog
~a wonderful opportunity to work with a talented team of designers and get to know others who share a passion for scrapbooking!

We're welcoming all applicants within the United States, and ask that you send:

~at least three samples of your original work
~a brief bio
~a list of any previous and current design teams
~your mailing address
~links to any websites or blogs where your work is featured, as well as the link to your personal blog

Please send me an e-mail at, and include "Design Team Application" in the subject line. This call ends September 30, 2011, at 11:59 MST, and we'll announce our selection October 3, 2011.

Can't wait for those submissions to start rolling in! =)

And since I just realized I didn't post my layouts yet here they are from the September kit:


  1. Your layouts are adorable! I just checked out these kits and they are beautiful! I'm going to apply for sure!

  2. You created some really fun pages with this kit Angie!!! The first one if my favorite of yours this month!

  3. These layouts are all gorgeous. I always find inspiration in your work for my own scrapping. And thanks for the heads up on the B & B design team call; Rachel's kits are beautiful and it would be so much fun to design for her ...
