
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Hambly Design Team

I waited up last night to see if I made the Hambly Studio design team but the later it got the more I figured I didn't. So since there is a time difference I just went to bed and said a prayer. Woke up this morning early to pack my hubbies lunch and had to check right away. And my heart skipped a beat when I saw and email from Allison (Hambly Studio). So I opened it and I made the team!!! I'm beyond excited and so thankful for this opportunity.

Here are 2 of my layouts I submitted.
This one I love the picture of Hannah holding her daddy's hand.

I took some Hambly Screens and cut them into leaves. I then stitched down the middle of each one.

And here I took some Washi Tape and made a cute flower.

This is of "My Noah". That is what I like to say to him. He is so stinkin' silly!

Here I took some Hambly Screens and papers and cut out circles. I then stitched inside each one.

I had this key in my stash and just had to add it.


  1. a BIG congrats!! Love the Lo's ~glad you made the team looking forward to seeing more of your work!!!

  2. Congrats, this is so exciting :D
    xo from Germany Felicitas

  3. How many times can I say it, lol, SO happy for you Angie! These are great layouts, love the leaves and the stitching and the washi tape!

  4. That is so awesome! I can see why you got picked - those layouts are super cute! Congrats!!

  5. Congratulations, Angie!!! What exciting news!! =)

  6. Congrats Angie!! So excited to work with you!

  7. Oh WOW!! Angie, that's awesome!! Congrats!! They are lucky to have you on their team....your layouts are gorgeous!!

  8. Congrats!!!! Hambly has some awesome product. You are one lucky lady. Can't wait to see what you do on the team!

  9. Congrats so excited and can't wait to work along side you! love your hambly creations!

  10. Huge congrats with your Hambly news, you are going to have so much fun.

  11. CONGRATULATIONS ANGIE!! That is amazing news. You deserve it, you are way talented :) Can't wait to see your designs.

  12. Congrats on the Hambly dt! Fun pages!@

  13. Congratulations, Angie - really gorgeous layouts (and children)! Am so looking forward to working with you. :)

  14. This is big Angie!!!! Congratulations!!! Your submission looks gorgeous!

  15. Congratulations, Angie!!! I am so excited for you
