
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Exciting News and Elle's Studio Sketch

Sorry I haven't posted in a week. I have been having computer issues and finally went and bought a new one this weekend. I just got all my software loaded and printed some pictures. I worked on Elle's Studio Sketch.

This is Faith playing in the snow we got last weekend. She literally dove in and rolled around in it and she always loves to eat it (her dad taught her that).

Here I used one of the Monthly Pennants and a date stripe.

Here I used one of Elle's Studio takes "Let it Snow" and also you can a partial circle with a Hambly rub-on.

I also used up some old Basic Grey rub-ons I have had in my stash.

And now some exciting news... I get to be the March Guest Designer fro Ruby Rock-it !! I so excited to get to work with their products. If you have not seen them go check them out.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Great take on the sketch! I love how you angled it!

  2. Congrats on the Guest spot!!! I always admire what the DT does on Elle's Team! Your page is lovely!

  3. Congrats on the guest designer gig! Lovely layout!

  4. Congrats on the GT spot! You did a wonderful job on this layout! I love the photo of the snow on her lips!Love Penny

  5. ohhh.. what a great take on the sketch! totally LOVE your version! Great pictures in a beautiful LO :)

  6. Love what you did with that sketch!! Great colors and adorable photos!
