
Friday, March 16, 2012

Burlap & Buttercups March Reveal

Good Morning!! Today I want to share a couple of layouts with you using the March Burlap & Buttercups kit (sorry already sold out). This kit sold out the day it revealed!! That is how much fun this kit is!

This is my "Little Reader" Hannah. She LOVES to sit and look at books.

Here are some close ups:

This layout is of Faith. She earns stickers at school for making good choices and once the paper is filled up they get to pick a prize. Well, she came home one day and so excited because she was 1 sticker away from getting the "Purple Pony" and she was hoping no one picked if before she got to.Here are some closeups:

Thanks for stopping by!! I will be sharing another layout Sunday using this kit.


  1. simply gorgeous - wonderful details!!!

  2. Looks like a fun kit with great colors! I love the LOs you did with it, Angie, especially the trail of buttons on the first LO. Love the metal flower!

  3. adoarable Lo!!!so much to look at!!!

  4. Darling layouts! Love the embellies in this kit!!

  5. adorable pages - love how it pops!

  6. You did an mazing job with this kit Angie!!! Love how you mixed the papers!

  7. I always love the little details you put into your layouts! Great arrangement of embellishments on both of these.
