
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Burlap & Buttercup's Sketch Challenge

Today I wanted to share the sketch challenge over at Burlap & Buttercups. Mary Pat makes some fun sketches for us to use. And there is always a twist... along with using the sketch you are to use some paint or mist. That is easy for me since I use some mist or paint on most of my layouts.

Sketch is due by April 30. There is a prize!!Here is my take using the April kit:

I love the colors in this kit. And those clips are so fun to add!

The Ormolu fabric tags are great too!

Thanks for stopping by!!


  1. this is beautiful Angie, love the bright colors!

  2. Love the white mist on the dark blue background, and am loving those Ormolu fabric tags too! Great layout.

  3. You did a beautiful take on that sketch! Love Penny

  4. This is a great layout-loving the colors!!
    Love how you used the Ormolu tag too!

  5. I like your take on that great sketch.
