
Sunday, February 10, 2013

A Fun Guessing Game

So today I get to find out what I'm having (as long as the little one cooperates).  And I thought it would be fun to have a guessing game with my readers!!  Just leave me a comment below as to whether you think I'm having a Girl or Boy.

Also I just noticed I'm 15 away from 200 followers if you are a new follower let me know and you will get another entry into the drawing. If I reach the 200 I will add to the prize ;)

Here is your prize for guessing:
 Comments close midnight Feb. 11 and I will let you know the winner (and the news) tomorrow morning!! 


  1. Aw, how exciting! That was my favorite part of pregnancy! My guess is a little girl! ;)

  2. My guess is a girls. Can't wait to find out how fun.

  3. So exciting! I can't wait to hear....I am going to guess boy. Thanks so much for the chance to win some goodies!

  4. Oh How wonderful......I'm guessing a little boy!

  5. Wow! I'm going with team pink! Congrats, and I look forward to stopping back in to find out!

  6. Oh, how fun! I say boy and congratulations either way !!

  7. Congratulations!! I'll guess girl, but I'm notoriously bad at guessing these things :)

  8. I think a girl...congrats either way!!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Congrats! I think your going to have a boy.

  11. Oh, fun idea for a giveaway! I'm guessing... a girl. Because the pink cake is in front! x

  12. P.S. Your social sharing buttons at the bottom of the post aren't working - I just tried to share this giveaway on facebook and twitter but when I clicked on the buttons they said 'sorry the page you are looking for doesn't exist'. Just so you know! x

  13. mmmm i am guessing a little girl!

    longtime follower

  14. Congratulations!!! How exciting! I think you are having a sweet little girl! Many blessings and thanks for the chance! :)

  15. Congratulations! I guessing a girl. I suppose because I have 2 grand girls this past year so it must be a trend!

  16. I'm guessing boy! And I am a new follower! Congrats on your newest blessing, no matter its "flavor" ;)

  17. Such an exciting day for you, Angie! My guess is a girl. :)

  18. I'm going to say a boy. Congrats and best wishes -- can't wait to find out!

  19. When I was pregnant (many moons ago) there was no way to tell what sex your baby would be, so it was a surprise on the day. As I have three girls I am going to go with GIRL for you too. What a special day you will have.

  20. My guess is you are having another boy. Where do you find the energy for four kids and one on the way? I have trouble keeping up with my two and not getting exhausted from all the running around! And you find time to scrapbook!

  21. I am guessing girl! Thanks for a chance to win!

  22. Exciting I think a girl. I'm a new follower too

  23. I had 2 little girls, then a granddaughter then finally 2 grandsons. Those little boys were so sweet and fun that I'll wish a happy, healthy little boy for you. I've loved your I've become a new follower too.

  24. I will guess a girl :)

    I am a new follower too :)

  25. I'm guessing a darling little boy! :)

  26. Hi, I just found your cute little blog and became follower #188. Thanks for offering such a generous giveaway. I'm gonna guess its a GIRL. Good wishes to you and the baby, no matter what it its.

  27. How exciting. I'm guessing a girl!

  28. Follower 189 right here! I'm guessing a baby girl!

  29. How nice of you! I'm a follower - I added your blog to my bloglist so I check in about every week. Congrats on the soon-to-be new arrival! If I saw you, I might be able to guess better... I'll say boy, just cause so many are saying girl.

  30. I guess you are having a ...............GIRL !

  31. Congratulations Angie! My guess is a boy!
