
Friday, March 15, 2013

Underwear Hat

My silly daughter learned (from her dad) to put underwear on her head. He even pulled her hair through the legs to look like pig tales. She was having a hay day with it. So I captured all her cute faces. I used the March Citrus Twist Kit Add-on.

Thanks so much for stopping by!!  Have a great weekend!!


  1. That is just too cute! My dad did crazy things like that when we were kids too. She may be embarrassed later, but it sure is cute now! LOL. I love the different frames and all the fun touches on your page. :)

  2. That is a cute page such funny pictures.

  3. This brings a smile to my face. So cute!

  4. these playful colors :)

  5. This is adorable and too funny! Kids need those dads for comic relief!

  6. My dear friend, I cannot begin to tell you how proud of you I am. Not only as a person, but as a wife, mother and artist. You never cease to amaze me and I want you to know how much I miss you, cherish you, and look up to you. You are one AMAZING person, and I thank God for our friendship. I am a better person for knowing you!! Love ya girl, and can't wait until I am able to be able to have time with you!!

  7. How adorable and the colors you chose actually draw attention to the photos. wonderful

  8. This is fun and adorable! I have a picture of my son with a diaper on his head.
