
Monday, November 11, 2013

American Crafts Gallery

Just wanted to share my American Crafts gallery layouts with you! I used the Amy Tangerine line Cut & Paste for both my layouts.

This layout is about the first time Isaiah slept through the night (and last lol).  He really needs to learn to sleep through the night.

Oct gallery1
This layout is about Isaiah learning to focus on his toys. 

Oct. gallery


  1. Love these pages Angie and the Cut & Paste is so cute with your little guy's photos! Hope he gets in a better sleeping pattern. We had a horrible time with our youngest, and I didn't think he was ever going to sleep through the night!! :)

  2. I'm new to your blog and enjoying your layouts. They are beautiful! I love that your layouts are fairly simple so the focus goes to the photos. Can you share a little about your process? Do you use visual triangles or other design principles or just wing it and do what looks good to your eye? I've been scrapbooking for a while and I'm fine with scraplifting or even using a sketch but when I try to do something on my own, I just don't like the result. I'm trying to learn from other's processes. thanks!
