Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Trip to the ER

Well, I new it would happen sooner or later. I would have to take one of my kids to the ER. And I always said it would be Noah and guess what... It was Noah!! He tripped this morning and hit his head on our cement porch. At the ER they put glue on it to hold it together. Thanking God for watching over him! Here he is saying "Boo Boo".

And here is a fun layout of Noah eating his favorite treat.

In used a sketch from Stacey over at Inspired 2 Scrap. They are having a class comimg up called 15 Days of Inspiration I can't wait to take come join me!!

Blessings :)


  1. Poor little dude! I hope he is feeling better with his glued up "boo boo."

    LOVE the LO Angie!

  2. Poor little mn! Hugs and healing wishes! darling LO btw. :)
